So yeah, almost two months or something like that I sended the remake of city connection to the portal. I took all the feedback in order to improve the experience.
The game will be capped to 15 levels (I promised 20, but I want to finish it already), 3 bosses and the two games already available in the demo there will be new baddies as well, the online leaderboard is implemented like right now! and I included a one brand new difficulty level (Easy).
I expanded the collision boxes of the shooted oil cans and added a lot more time in each stage. In easy mode you encounter a lot less enemies so you can check more freely yhe stages and get acostumed to the controls and stages layouts.
If you want to stop by the newest release of the game (when I finish it I will post it here in newgrounds), you can go to ityreloaded.html
Not to much free time right now, but I will finish it I swear !! See you later!